本文整理汇总了Golang中hash/fnv.New32a函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang New32a函数的具体用法?Golang New32a怎么用?Golang New32a使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: NewEventFactory

func NewEventFactory(processName, threadName string) *EventFactory {
    processHash := fnv.New32a()
    threadHash := fnv.New32a()
    return &EventFactory{
        processName: processName,
        threadName:  threadName,
        pid:         int(processHash.Sum32()),
        tid:         int(threadHash.Sum32()),


示例2: handler

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    c := appengine.NewContext(r)
    params := strings.SplitN(strings.Trim(r.URL.Path, "/"), "/", 2)

    // / -> redirect
    if len(params[0]) == 0 {
        http.Redirect(w, r, "https://github.com/igrigorik/ga-beacon", http.StatusFound)

    // /account -> account template
    // /account/page -> GIF + log pageview to GA collector
    if len(params) == 1 {
        account := map[string]interface{}{"Account": params[0]}
        if err := pageTemplate.ExecuteTemplate(w, "page", account); err != nil {
            panic("Cannot execute template")

    } else {
        hash := fnv.New32a()
        hash.Write([]byte(strings.Split(r.RemoteAddr, ":")[0]))
        cid := fmt.Sprintf("%d", hash.Sum32())

        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/gif")
        w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
        w.Header().Set("CID", cid)

        payload := url.Values{
            "v":   {"1"},        // protocol version = 1
            "t":   {"pageview"}, // hit type
            "tid": {params[0]},  // tracking / property ID
            "cid": {cid},        // unique client ID (IP + UA hash)
            "dp":  {params[1]},  // page path

        req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", beaconURL,
        req.Header.Add("User-Agent", r.Header.Get("User-Agent"))

        client := urlfetch.Client(c)
        resp, err := client.Do(req)
        if err != nil {
            c.Errorf("GA collector POST error: %s", err.Error())
        c.Infof("GA collector status: %v, cid: %v", resp.Status, cid)

        // write out GIF pixel
        query, _ := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery)
        _, ok_pixel := query["pixel"]

        if ok_pixel {
            io.WriteString(w, string(pixel))
        } else {
            io.WriteString(w, string(badge))



示例3: ReadVMessUDP

func ReadVMessUDP(buffer []byte, userset user.UserSet) (*VMessUDP, error) {
    userHash := buffer[:user.IDBytesLen]
    userId, timeSec, valid := userset.GetUser(userHash)
    if !valid {
        return nil, errors.NewAuthenticationError(userHash)

    buffer = buffer[user.IDBytesLen:]
    aesCipher, err := aes.NewCipher(userId.CmdKey())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    aesStream := cipher.NewCFBDecrypter(aesCipher, user.Int64Hash(timeSec))
    aesStream.XORKeyStream(buffer, buffer)

    fnvHash := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buffer[:4])
    fnv1a := fnv.New32a()
    fnvHashActual := fnv1a.Sum32()

    if fnvHash != fnvHashActual {
        log.Warning("Unexpected fhv hash %d, should be %d", fnvHashActual, fnvHash)
        return nil, errors.NewCorruptedPacketError()

    buffer = buffer[4:]

    vmess := &VMessUDP{
        user:    *userId,
        version: buffer[0],
        token:   binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buffer[1:3]),

    // buffer[3] is reserved

    port := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buffer[4:6])
    addrType := buffer[6]
    var address v2net.Address
    switch addrType {
    case addrTypeIPv4:
        address = v2net.IPAddress(buffer[7:11], port)
        buffer = buffer[11:]
    case addrTypeIPv6:
        address = v2net.IPAddress(buffer[7:23], port)
        buffer = buffer[23:]
    case addrTypeDomain:
        domainLength := buffer[7]
        domain := string(buffer[8 : 8+domainLength])
        address = v2net.DomainAddress(domain, port)
        buffer = buffer[8+domainLength:]
        log.Warning("Unexpected address type %d", addrType)
        return nil, errors.NewCorruptedPacketError()

    vmess.address = address
    vmess.data = buffer

    return vmess, nil


示例4: hashn

func hashn(s string) (h1, h2 uint32) {

    // This construction comes from
    // http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~michaelm/postscripts/tr-02-05.pdf
    // "Building a Better Bloom Filter", by Kirsch and Mitzenmacher. Their
    // proof that this is allowed for count-min requires the h functions to
    // be from the 2-universal hash family, w be a prime and d be larger
    // than the traditional CM-sketch requirements.

    // Empirically, though, this seems to work "just fine".

    // TODO(dgryski): Switch to something that is actually validated by the literature.

    fnv1a := fnv.New32a()
    h1 = fnv1a.Sum32()

    // inlined jenkins one-at-a-time hash
    h2 = uint32(0)
    for _, c := range s {
        h2 += uint32(c)
        h2 += h2 << 10
        h2 ^= h2 >> 6
    h2 += (h2 << 3)
    h2 ^= (h2 >> 11)
    h2 += (h2 << 15)

    return h1, h2


示例5: NewNode

func NewNode(hn coconet.Host, suite abstract.Suite, random cipher.Stream) *Node {
    sn := &Node{Host: hn, suite: suite}
    msgSuite = suite
    sn.PrivKey = suite.Secret().Pick(random)
    sn.PubKey = suite.Point().Mul(nil, sn.PrivKey)

    sn.peerKeys = make(map[string]abstract.Point)
    sn.Rounds = make(map[int]*Round)

    sn.closed = make(chan error, 20)
    sn.done = make(chan int, 10)
    sn.commitsDone = make(chan int, 10)
    sn.viewChangeCh = make(chan string, 0)

    sn.FailureRate = 0
    h := fnv.New32a()
    seed := h.Sum32()
    sn.Rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(seed)))
    sn.VoteLog = NewVoteLog()
    sn.Actions = make(map[int][]*Vote)
    sn.RoundsPerView = 100
    return sn


最后编辑: kuteng  文档更新时间: 2021-08-23 19:14   作者:kuteng